Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Man refuses to pay bill after restaurant charges him per prawn for seafood meal

So you go to a restaurant, you order seafood meal with 40 prawns in it, you finish eating and they bring a bill of £279, telling you that each prawn you ate was £4 and you're like, TF? Lol. There you were thinking the whole plate was £4. That's what happened to a customer when he ordered a meal at a restaurant in China

The man refused to pay the massive bill, saying the dish was advertised at £4 and they didn't make it clear they meant per prawn. The man, Mr Zhu claimed when he refused to pay, the resturant manager threatened to beat him with a stick and pointed to a sign at the bottom of the menu that stated: "The seafood listed above is charged per item."

He ended up pay 205 pounds for the meal and vowed never to go to the restaurant
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Man refuses to pay bill after restaurant charges him per prawn for seafood meal
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