COSON chairman, Tony Okoroji.
Did you see the scenes around Chicago last night and this morning? It is like finally Americans have decided to go to war but not war against the Iranians, North Koreans or ISIS? This war is Americans v. Americans. Finally, there are those who have had enough of the Donald J. Trump nonsense.
Those for the bombastic Donald Trump for president and those sworn against a Donald Trump anywhere near the White House threw free speech to the dogs and went after each other eye ball to eye ball. Law enforcement had a hard time controlling the thousands of Anti-Trump protesters in Chicago who swore that Donald Trump would not have a rally nor speak in their city. They were adamant that Donald Trump ought to take his divisive rhetoric elsewhere.
Anybody who has watched the drama unfolding in America may have concluded that Donald Trump will always have his way. He has got the Republican nomination! He is unbeatable! There are many who have resigned themselves to the horror that nobody can stop Donald Trump. Last night Donald Trump did not have his way. His planned rally in Chicago did not hold. It was shut down.
For months Donald Trump has been swearing, cursing and wagering his fingers at everyone. He has gone after Muslims, cannot stand Mexicans, is railing against the Chinese and loathes Nigerians. He has taken on the Pope. Donald J. Trump has used foul language in its most incendiary manner and turned the race for the most important office in the world to a blatant WWF contest with the swearing, boasting and flexing of muscles.
If you like violent sports, Donald Trump can be very attractive. If you like raw entertainment, the guy who fired people in NBC’s Apprentice would give you as much as you want. What has become obvious is that there are millions in America who love blood sports and raw entertainment and confuse these with leadership.
But for those who want a thinking man, a man who has the intellect and depth of character to weigh the myriad of issues that will confront the President of the United States of America and take decisions that are not just eye catching and popular for the moment but will stand the test of time, they are revolted by how any person who is not drunk can choose Donald Trump. That is a major fault line in today’s American politics.
Few months back, very few gave Donald Trump the slimmest chance of getting anywhere near the White House. The pundits said that it was a joke. But that is not the way it has panned out so far. It is no longer a joke! Donald Trump has stoked the fears of Americans.
He has stoked latent hatred and racist tendencies in America. The next President of the United States could very well be the trash talking Republican egomaniac who spews obscenities as much as he openly sprouts hatred, a guy who has run his companies four times into bankruptcy and has been married to three different women, the latest being a stripper whose stark naked photographs are everywhere for everyone to see.
That is troubling to many decent people not just in America but around the world. Indeed, the thought of it is driving a lot of people crazy even within Mr. Trump’s Republican Party.
If you think that what is taking place in Chicago will not be seen several times across America, then you have not followed history. The elections in America will take place in November. November is many months away. Be prepared for many months of rough battles across America. Chicago is simply a sign of things to come.
by hotdropz