Blossom Chukwujekwu's wife has recounted the ordeal she went through on her wedding day. And of course, this is a story most brides can relate. Eventually, everything fell into place. Read her story below...
"Few days to my big day, my lips got burnt, the makeup artist I contacted and booked months ago bailed on me, my jewelry got lost in transit, my first reception dress got ruined, the spirit of fear hovered around, The second reception dress got delivered n didn't fit... My tiara was replaced with a less attractive one compared to d one that was
lost (or so I tot). A day to my wedding and I was going upandan. Hubby's clothes came in last min and had to be drycleaned.. Brother needed cloth sorting, My reception dress needed a truck load of adjustments, my office needed to be fully operational to achieve d perfect reception dress cos sending it back to d maker didn't work for me. Contacted a new makeup artist... But at that point, I cudnt be bothered anymore ABOUT how I looked or how d day went after all d very annoying n irritating setbacks livn me too upset half d time, cranky n stressed...... But LOOK AT GOD!!!!!!!!!! He Perfects it at His Own Time"
Few days to my big day, my lips got burnt - Blossom Chukwujewu's wife