Tuesday 5 April 2016

She asks… Shouldn’t I propose to him if he wouldn’t propose to me?

By Bosun Bankole


A young man who wanted to sign up for the spouse connect service I coordinate expressed his concerns about women to me. In his exact words ‘being with a woman these days can be complicated, while you are still thinking of having fun and getting to know her, she‎ expects you to make a marriage proposal.

‘It does not work that way’, he concluded. While I could empathize with him, I felt sorry for the women he had a relationship with in the past. My question here is what else would a woman who is above twenty-five expect from a relationship, movies and dinner all year long? Of course, she is thinking about marriage and the guy she is in a relationship with should worry if she is not thinking about marriage.

I have this serious admonition I have wanted to pass on to unmarried men for a while, especially the Christian ones. Being a man does not give you the right to be emotionally irresponsible. You cannot keep a lady so close to you, constantly fulfilling your emotional needs and assume she is just a friend.

The most annoying statement I get is ‘she knows there is nothing between us’. Well, knowing there is nothing between you will not stop her from hoping your friendship will develop into something more, particularly if you keep hanging around her and running to her every time you yearn for some intimacy. ‎To make matters worse, the lady is socially precluded to make the first move at a proposal, so she keeps smiling while struggling to read meanings to the hand holding, and frequent night calls.

One of my favourite Nigerian words is ‘how far’. It is Pidgin English, safe to be referred to as Nigeria’s second lingua franca. ‘How far’ could mean different things depending on how it is used; it could mean a simple ‘how are you’ or something as serious as ‘where are we on a particular matter’. Ladies in those long term relationships without a proposal need not propose to be sure, she only needs to maximize the ‘how far’ phrase. Oga I see you are paying me more attention than most guys around me, how far? Is it OKAY to believe that you have feelings for me? Oga we have been in this relationship for a long time, how far? What are your intentions and plans with this relationship and the future? These questions will help you set the record straight and both parties will be better informed on what the future holds.

My dear ladies, do not be another person’s mumu. Stop servicing the emotions of a man when being with him profits nothing. ‎Do not encourage a man to be emotionally irresponsible around you. Save yourself the troubles of trying to attach a meaning to his endless gestures. Why should he ever bother about taking your relationship further when you keep giving the ‘I am here for you always impression’. You need to give him the opportunity to miss you so he can decide if he can do without you or not.

Love is complicated and sometimes we love those who do not even care about us. However, wisdom demands that you love yourself enough to tell yourself the truth. A painful decision will not become less painful because it took you a long time to make that decision. If you need to walk away, do it now. Stop trying to sell your square pegs to someone with a round whole. Preserve yourself for that person who needs you.

by hotdropz

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