Nollywood actress, Rukky Sanda.
People be out there worried about you, worried about your blissful life, worried about your smile, worried about what you eat, taking Tylenol in their homes or caves when they feel you just might have caught a headache from the bullshit they just went in on about you.
Why is she awake? Why is she sleeping? Why is she not fat? why is she wearing that? Why? Why? Why? Why is she so blessed? Why does she look happy? Why is she even happy? Why Her? Why Them?
Hang in there and keep asking why darling and keep doing what you’re blessed at! Spreading negativity, envy, jealousy and hate. You don’t need answers to why your life is as bitter as it is.
Do maths and add it up because we out here balling and living the incredibly blessed blissful happy healthy fun life. A1 everything; #PositivityOnlyAttractsPOSITIVITY!
You attract what you think, wish and speak generally and unto others so we do not feel sorry for you and your situation. I don’t feel sorry for you darling.
by hotdropz