Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Vacancies - Jobs Recruitment at The Katsina State Community and Social Development Agency (KTCSDA)

Employer: Katsina State Government

The Company
The Katsina State Government has applied for credit from the International Development Association (IDA) arm of the World Bank towards the implementation of the Community and Social Development Project (CSDP). The Objective of the CSDP is to increase access of poor people in the state to improved Social and Natural Resources Infrastructure Services in a sustainable manner through the provision of grant support to communities.

The Katsina State Agency for Community and Social Development Project now invites applications from suitably qualified candidates from the Public and Private sector for recruitment into the vacant position below:

Job Title: Operations Officer

Location: Katsina

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Sensitise and mobilise Communities on CSDP project objectives and activities as well as issues related to HIV/AIDS
Facilitate Communities to undertake needs assessment arid prioritisation that are socially inclusive- and environmentally sustainable
Facilitate Communities in the formulation of CDP in line with (b) above
Build capacity of the CPMCS and LGRC Desk Officers as appropriate, through providing training in requisite areas e.g. Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRAs), Record and Book-keeping. Project Management Mainstreaming Gender, Environment and Natural Resources issues etc. as identified by the Project Officer- IEC &T
Supervise the implementation of the COPs to ensure quality assurance
Ensure timely replenishment of accounts of the CPMCs
Collect, collate and forward to the M & E Department, Information/data on Micro- project activities in Communities.
Submission of monthly, quarterly and annual departmental reports to M & E Department on schedule, through the Manager, Operations
Set monthly and quarterly performance targets based on work plans.
Submit regular reports to the Project Officer or relevant section for whose activity s/he is deployed at any point in time.
Responsible to the Project Officer, Supervision

Minimum Qualifications and Experience

A First Degree/HND in Engineering, Social Sciences, Biological and Natural Sciences, Business Administration, Accountancy or related fields with at least one (1) year post qualification experience in any area.
Computer literacy and willingness to learn arid work extra -hours and on week-ends is a must.
Applicants are not expected to be more than 35 years as at the time of recruitment and not above Grade level 9 if recruited from the Civil Service.

Job Title:
Finance and Administration Manager


Key Duties and Responsibilities
The Finance and Administration Manager shall be charged with responsibility for:

Ensuring efficient running of the office and the maintenance of all office facilities
Processing and paying all bill, salaries (etc) pertaining to the smooth running of the State Agency
Maintaining schedules of personnel, welfare and other personnel functions
Ensuring the proper recording of financial transactions of the Agency
Generating adequate, reliable and timely financial reports for the GM and other departments
Preparing annual budgets and work plans for the State Agency
Processing anti managing all fund disbursements as well as ensuring proper documentation to facilitate the release of funds from funding agencies to Communities
Liaising with banks, tax authorities, and other regulatory agencies on behalf of the State Agency
Preparing monthly and quarterly reports on financial progress of Micro-projects and CDPs
Preparing Quarterly Financial Management Reports (FMRs)
Assisting the GM in the day to day running of the State Agency
Reviewing financial transactions of communities in line with general guidelines issued by the State Agency FPSU and Funding Agencies, and making reports to the GM
Offering training and capacity building in the areas of financial management, record keeping and other related matters to Communities

Minimum Qualifications and Experience

A University Degree or membership of professional association such as ACA, ACCA or their equivalents or Higher National Diploma in Accounting or Banking and Finance with at least twelve (12) years post qualification experience.

Job Title:
Project Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation)


Key Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible for data collection, collation and analysis for field level activities
Provide implementation assistance to M&E Manager.
Compilation of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual reports.
Monitor Progress towards attainment of targets and to adapt targets to realities.
Provide an improved foundation for planning effective resource use.
Identify unacceptably high cost interventions and operations.
Provide record of events.
Provide information base for future evaluations, maintain quality standards.
Any other duty that may be assigned by the M&E Manager.

Minimum Qualifications and Experience
At least a first degree in Social Sciences, Statistics, Natural Sciences, Rural Development and related fields, with at least 5 years post-qualification experience, part of which must, relate to Monitoring and Evaluation of Community based initiatives.
Computer literacy is compulsory and experience in Community Driven Development (CDD) is an added advantage.

Job Title:
Project Officer Information, Education, Communication and Training (IEC&T)

Location: Katsina

Key Duties and Responsibilities
Supervise and carry out promotions and outreach programmes to create awareness of State Agency activities
Facilitate the carrying out of advocacy for the CSOP at the State level through Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) campaigns
Ensure linkage with relevant Ministries/Agencies on integrating collective action and mobilisations of resources for Sectoral Development Plans
Undertake regular skill-gap analysis of Project Staff Line Ministries, LGRC and CPM(s members and Identify requisite training to address them
Supervise, in Liaison with relevant State Agency Staff and Line Ministries Staff all training delivery to CPMCs and IGRCs
Prepare budget estimates and annual work plan for training, information, education and communication activities of the State Agency
• on advocacy, sensitisation, awareness and communications
Be responsible for preparing periodic reports on progress in advocacy, mobilisation and awareness, measured against the targets of annual work plans and legal funding requirements (e.g. IDA/Donor requirements)
Responsible for communication materials development
Organise Learning Events for Stakeholders.
Coordinate and facilitate CUD cross-learning events and information sharing among Stakeholders
Monitoring and coordination of information, Education and communication activities
Any other duties as may be assigned by Manager, Operations

Minimum Qualifications and Experience

At least a First Degree in Social Sciences, Natural Resource Sciences, Rural/Environmental Development, Agricultural Extension with at least five (5) years post qualification experience, part of which must relate to training and social analysis, especially rural appraisals.
Computer literacy is compulsory and experience in community level facilitation and mobilisation is an added advantage.

Job Title:
Secretary to the General Manager


Key Duties and Responsibilities

Support the General Manager as personnel Assistant/Confidential Secretary.
Provide secretarial assistance e.g. prepare all Letters, Memorandum and any requisite document for General manager.
Organize itineraries, meetings and related schedules.
Maintain adequate filling system for all mails and correspondence of the General Manager.
Assist the General Manager in covering Board meetings

Qualifications and Experience
A degree/H.N.D. in Secretarial Administration
Computer Skills- presentations.
Internet and Microsoft office packages.
She/He must have at least 7 years secretarial experience

Job Title:
Operations Manager


Key Duties and Responsibilities
Supervising and coordinating the overall activities of the Operations Department
Supervising the processing of applications seeking State Agency funding and technical/management support
Ensuring conduct of desk and field appraisals and forward reports to the Project Management Committee for review based on set criteria
Provide overall supervision of formulation and implementation processes of CDPs and Micro-projects by CPMCs
Ensuring the maintenance of records on all CUPs and Micro-projects on a continuous basis and passing on such
Information to the M&E Department
Ensure that requisite assistance is rendered to communities as at when required
Liaising with relevant MDAs to provide technical and back-up support to Communities
Consolidate annual work plans and budget of the Department

Minimum Qualifications and Experience

A University Degree in Agriculture, Engineering, Extension Services, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Project Management and any other relevant Degree with at least twelve (12) years post qualification experience.
Previous experience in Rural Development Projects or Extension Services shall be considered as additional advantage.

Job Title: Account Clerk


Key Duties and Responsibilities

Assist in keeping of financial records, petty cash and other financial matters that will be assigned to him/her from time to time.

Qualifications and Experience
A minimum of OND in Accounting, Business Administration, or Banking and Finance, with at least two (2) years relevant post- qualification experience.
Knowledge of Computer packages is an advantage.

Job Title: General Manager


Key Duties and Responsibilities
Exercise the powers and functions of the State Agency as provided for in section 4.3
Be in-charge of General administration of the (SUP
Manage State Agency personnel
Be the accounting officer of the State Agency
Gives approval for proposal of COPs recommended by the State Agency Management Committee
Authorise expenditure in accordance with the annual budget and work programme of the State Agency as approved by BOD
Represent the State Agency in all its dealings with third parties at the level of management
Conduct dialogue with donors and those capable of providing complimentary technical and administrative skills and financial resources
Delegate his authority to the staff of the agency to the extent necessary for the efficient performance of the activities of CSDP
Perform such other duties as may be required for the effective functioning of the State Agency
Ensure regular reporting and adherence to the State Agency reporting relationship with tire Project Financial
Management Unit (PFMU) of the state

Minimum Qualification and Experience
A University Degree in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering and/or any other relevant Degree with at least fifteen (15) years post qualification experiences in the private or public sector, five of which must be at Management level.
A higher degree and experience in the management of Rural Development Projects shall be an added advantage.

How to Apply
The Katsina State Community and Social Development Agency (KTCSDA) request 10 copies each of their CV's and applications to:

The Office of the Honourable Commissioner,
Ministry of Lands and Surveys,
State Secretariat Complex,
IBB Way, Dandagoro,
Katsina State.

Application Deadline 22nd February, 2016.

by Ehis Mike via Chat212 Nigeria - We Make your voice Counts

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