Pornos portray women as being ready for sex 24/7, whether they’re eating, sleeping, washing dishes. Photos: Various
A colleague sent me an article about Tantra, and how it’s the complete opposite of porn, as it offers more intimacy and blah blah.
It’s not that I don’t buy it, but you’ve got to admit that the process is the same, and involves the sex organs as usual but we can’t deny that it actually offers more intimacy or so they say.
Anyways, the article got me thinking about Porn in general, and how far off it is from how real life people actually have sex, especially how unrealistic the whole process is. Here are a few instances…
- Every delivery guy/girl is a sex target
C’mon! Isn’t it just silly that Porn makes it seem like every delivery guy/girl that turns up at your door should be rewarded with sex, particularly as they are always good looking.
- Women are always in the mood for sex
Of course, you know this isn’t true, not one bit. However, Pornos portray women as being ready for sex 24/7, whether they’re eating, sleeping, washing dishes, cleaning the house, strolling down the street etc.
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- Every guy is hung like a horse
Thanks to porn, all men in the world walk around in a constant state of arousal, with 9 inch penises. At least that’s what they’d have us believe.
- All women have ‘ringtones’
Sex is always noisy, with women providing beautiful background music, that’s what Porn says and people seem to have adopted it as fact. Ask 9ice, he wrote a song about it. If a girl isn’t screaming her throat sore then she’s no good in bed. You know that’s bullshit right?
- Sex lasts for hours
Pornos make it seem like every man and woman have stamina for days, and can go pounding on and on for hours. Plus the only times you enjoy sex is if it lats for eternity.
- Anal sex does not involve poop
The thought of it is ‘eww’ we know, but people, straight people, are into that kind of stuff so we’re going to talk about it. Porn makes it seem like when people have anal sex, the entire anus is vacuumed and the penis never touches poop. But really, how possible is that?
- Women always swallow
In porn, every woman loves to swallow ‘jizz’ and have it spread all over her face and boobs etc. But y’all know this a’int true. Most women don’t like swallow sperm, and those that do are a tiny percentage who only do so only birthdays or Vals, to make their man happy.
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by hotdropz