Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Black Beauty… Sika Osei is Maju’s Valentine Edit model

Sika Osei for Maju

Sika Osei models for Maju Valentine edit. Photo: Sunmisola Olorunnisola

Valentine’s in a few days, and womenswear Maju isn’t missing out on any of the action.

In its Valentine Edit, the fashion line showcases different styles you can try out for Valentine’s, with the beautiful actress/presenter Sika Osei as model.

Also See: Ghana’s Sika Osei joins Eku Edewor as Studio 53 Extra co host.

Check on it…

The Bride Feeling Blue First Date The Casual Day The Closet Moment Sika-COVER

This post first appeared on Star.ng

by hotdropz

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Black Beauty… Sika Osei is Maju’s Valentine Edit model
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