It's strange to have a friend that you've never hugged, shook their hands or looked into their eyes. But you have been touched by their soul, seen the good in their hearts and felt the warmth of their being.
So many times you've got my back here on the blog. I never knew you but you've read my comments; read me at my best & my worst, appreciated me and even defended me when the need arose. Lolx.
Wow! I cant believe the days have crept into weeks ,and the weeks to months and now the months have given birth to a year. Because exactly today last year, I asked for your email & I sent you a mail which contained a poem for your birthday. That day began our journey into real acquaintance not just on the blog, we extended it to watsapp & since then we've been like peas in a pod, always there for each other.
I don't have a big sister but if I ever did, she would have very big shoes to fill .Having you as a sister and friend is like the warm feeling I get when I hold a hot tea cup on a cold harmattan morning & curl up with my favorite book on my bed.
Today is your birthday,and I'd like to say;
May you continue to sail upon your Hubby's sea
May you live to be old and toothless
May your day be filled with plenty of butterflies,sunsets,kisses & Luv
May your kids continue to gaze into the emeralds of your eyes & draw strength from em
May your troubles be as few & as far apart as my granny's teeth
May you continue to bring joy to me & others on the blog & outside world
...and if I ever see you (soon sef) may I finish your money on movies, food & gifts lol!
Happy birthday sweetheart, have fun!
Aww, Bonita Bislam Writes a Moving Birthday Message to Moyo Team Laila