You need to know how useful teabags are before you chuck it in the bin after just one use.
Tea is filled with antioxidants that repair virtually any cellular damage.
So here are a few tea tips and tricks to deal with some of those daily beauty issues:
1. Rashes, insect bites, warts and bruises
Apply a used teabag on the affected area for 10 minutes a couple of times in a day. It will heal so quickly!
2. Smelly feet
Make a strong brew mini-tea bath and soak your feet everyday for 20-minutes - try this for three consecutive days.
The astringency in tea closes the pores that give off the bacteria that make your feet smell.
3. Treat sunburns
Run yourself a tea bath and soak for half an hour or more if you require instant relief from pain.
4. Facial toner
Don’t go in a panic when you’ve run out of that fancy and very expensive toner mid-month, just use your morning tea bag and blot it with a clean dry towel.
5. Dark circles
Soak a tea bag in warm water; in its slightly damp state, place it under your eyes for roughly 20-25 minutes for reduced dark circles and puffiness.
6. Sore or bleeding gums
The tannins in the tea bag tightens the blood vessels which helps stop the bleeding and reduce swollen tissues. For effective results use a used tea bag.
6 incredible beauty hacks to try with a teabag